Thursday 18 December 2014

Applying Units & Objectives | #1 Cup of Tea

The first unit and objective that I have decided to incorporated into my character's stage directions takes place on page 88 when Alison tries to show affection when saying “Oh, Helena, don’t bring out the book of rules” by placing her hand on Helena’s, Beth and I decided that I as Helena should tense up and clench the mug in a nervous state of discomfort (which I think is a theme that rund through the play in many degrees). This could reflect Helena feeling discomfort with her position in the house, and the realisation of this results in her distancing herself from Alison- not wanting to show affection at that moment. Also, the cup of tea here could be a symbol of the comfort in the domestic position Helena has in the house at this point in the play, by her clenching it tightly it shows how she has been and still is holding onto that comfort. Because this is shortly after Helena decides to announce her departure this reflects the internal conflict and the fact that throughout that scene Helena didn't finish that cup of tea with enjoyment mirrors how she also abandoned the comfort that her role in the house once brought to her as well.

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